Nach den erfolgreichen ersten beiden Ausgaben im März und April laden wir Euch jetzt zum dritten Freitagsfrühstück am 10. Mai, von 9:00 bis 12:00 Uhr, im SUPERMARKT ein! Diese monatliche Eventreihe besteht aus einer kurzen Präsentation von Mitgliedern der SUPERMARKT


Kooperative Berlin: Open Educational Development Workshop

Über Open Educational Resources (OER) hat die Werkstatt der bpb bereits viel diskutiert und berichtet. Nun wird es praktisch: Wir wollen gemeinsam mit Interessierten offene Bildungsmaterialien entwickeln. Der Prozess soll möglichst offen abgebildet werden, um Fragestellungen, Gelungenes und schwierige Vorgänge


Welcome to the future of publishing. In this free workshop, Lisa Lang and Kristin Trethewey from Sourcefabric will introduce you to the Booktype software and showcase some of the exciting projects that can be published using this open source tool.

Weddingmarkt in Supermarkt

Art, Upcycling Projects, Illustration, Design and Fashion - made by Wedding's best producers! On Sunday 26 May from 11am to 7pm the Weddingmarkt returns to SUPERMARKT for its 4th edition. Here you will find art, illustration, design, jewellery, and so


The Brunnenviertel between Startup-hype & social problems

Northern Brunnenstrasse, especially the part between Bernauer Strasse and Gesundbrunnen, currently faces enormous transitions: new tenants from all over the world move in and traditional businesses & retail shops shut down in favour of start-up studios and creative centers. After



TechStartupJobs vermittelt erfolgreich Jobs innerhalb der IT-und Technologiebranche als Teil von Techmeetups. 20 globale Tech Communities treffen auf mehr als 9000 aktive Mitglieder. TechStartupJobs Fair hilft Startups, die richtigen Leute an Bord zu bekommen. Und für junge Talente ist es eine gute Gelegenheit, Zugang zu den interessanten Startups der Stadt zu finden.

ENERGY HACK: Apps for the Energy of the Future

Germany discusses the energy transition, sustainable energy supply and ways to reduce our energy consumption in the future by using energy more efficiently. With the Hackday "Energy hacks", the Open Knowledge Foundation, Stromnetz Berlin and Open Cities want to make



What kind of urban design strategies are appropriate to enhance existing forms of participation and create new ones? Which are the important zones of contact and conflict? From 17-28 June 2013, Urban Conflict will constitute the main subject and focus

Open DIY Education with Google Hangouts

Uniuni.TV is an online participatory university. It offers interactive adult education through the live-video technology of Google Hangouts. Everyone can participate and create. In this workshop Anja C. Wagner and Robert Fritz Seibel will show how Google Hangouts can be

Freitagsfrühstück in Supermarkt: June Edition

This month's Freitagsfrühstück presenters are the fabulous people of Public Art Lab, our neighbours at Brunnenstraße! They will introduce you to their Connecting Cities Network 2012 – 2016 project.  About the Freitagsfrühstück: These monthly social gatherings include a short presentation

Serendipity Lab

On Wednesday, July 26 we want to engage all of you in some organizational hacking! With the guidance of Yulia Kryazheva & Sebastian Olma from the Serendipity Lab in Amsterdam, we will take the chance to get down to SUPERMARKT's

DIY Masterclass: Financial Empowerment through Social Banking

In dieser kostenlosen DIY Masterclass werden uns Marion Straßer und Christophe Gvené von Kreditunion mehr über Financial Empowerment through Social Banking beibringen.In June's free DIY Masterclass at SUPERMARKT, Marion Straßer and Christophe Gvené from Kreditunion will explain the idea of the Financial Empowerment through Social Banking.



Since the first radio-app for the iPhone and the rising of Facebook as social-media and communication-plattform there has been a large transformation in digital challenges for the radio industry. It only took a few years to get here – what


Open Educational Development (OED), Thema: Rechtsextremismus

The second Open Educational Development (OED) Workshop with its main focus on Right Wing Extremism will take place in Supermarkt on 2. Juli 2013. would like to invite all the people who were involved so far as well as new members! You can

Speculative Biology Workshop, design of biological systems & neo-organs

“...from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” Charles Darwin Workshop by Pinar Yoldas (Vilém Flusser Residency Programme for Artistic Research 2013). If LIFE started NOW, the beginning would not

WEDDING DRESS#8 – Festival of urban fashion and lifestyle

WEDDING DRESS has been established during the Berlin Summer Fashion Week and has become a real highlight. The eighth edition of the two-day fashion event will take place on the 06th and 07th of July 2013 between the Subway Stations

GGM Tech Day

On your mark, set, code! GeekGirlMeetup Berlin goes for a second year and presents GGM Tech Day on July 13th 2103 in collaboration with the Berlin Geekettes, and generously sponsored by Nokia and SoundCloud. GeekGirlMeetup Berlin is a conference encouraging

Freitagsfrühstück: July Edition

Our next Freitagsfrühstück is a very special one: It marks an special, four-week period in which the SUPERMARKT will be completely taken over by the summer school of the transart institute, the International MFA + Studio PhD for artists and

Transartfest Art Biennial

During the summerbreak, the SUPERMARKT will be taken over by the international summer school of the Transart Institute.

A two week programme of events and exhibitions, including concerts, discussion groups, exhibitions, one day seminar and workshops, performances, screenings, speed crits, alternative tours, and a multi-author book launch...During the summerbreak, the SUPERMARKT will be taken over by the international summer school of the Transart Institute.

A two week programme of events and exhibitions, including concerts, discussion groups, exhibitions, one day seminar and workshops, performances, screenings, speed crits, alternative tours, and a multi-author book launch...

Transartfest Biennial Trans – What? Symposium

The prefix ‘trans-’ points to some of the problems of universal concepts and ongoing boundary disputes between epistemes. It modifies the meaning of what it is attached to: transaction, transcription, transgression, translocation, transmission, translation, transdisciplinarity, to name only a few