Calling coopreneurs, platform coop founders and everyone interested in more equitable futures! You are invited to join us for our bi-weekly call for start-up organizations from the cooperative digital economy. You will get to know people from all over Europe
Platform Coops Community Call
Calling coopreneurs, platform coop founders and everyone interested in more equitable futures! You are invited to join us for our weekly call for start-up organizations from the cooperative digital economy. You will get to know people from all over Europe
A Platform Coop Learning Journey
The teams of Smart Belgium, SUPERMARKT and platforms2share are partnering up to provide a unique learning journey for platform coops with support from the Enterprise Europe Network and the two EU-funded projects BeShared and EU-GIVE. We invite you to get
Platform Coops Germany: Latest Update
What’s new at Platform Coops Germany: When Ela Kagel & Thomas Dönnebrink started off the #platformcoop meetups at SUPERMARKT three years ago, the initial group of participants was not only smaller, but also more consistent. Today, it turns out that
Crashkurs Geldsystem: Funktionsweise, Probleme und Lösungen
Vom Krisenmotor zur nachhaltig-gerechten Geldordnung Was wäre, wenn das Geld- und Finanzsystem den Menschen dienen würde und nicht mehr umgekehrt? Spätestens die letzte große Finanzkrise hat verdeutlicht, dass die Zustände im Geldsystem und Finanzsektor mit “grotesk” noch wohlwollend umschrieben sind.