DIY Masterclass

The DIY-Masterclasses are open knowledge formats, in which people from our community share their knowledge.
Since the early days of SUPERMARKT the DIY-Masterclasses have become an ongoing part of our programme.

Over the past 7 years, we have hosted aorund 50 masterclasses on digital life, freelance know-how, design and cultural-artistic  practices:

Here are some highlights of DIY masterclasses from previous years:

Video of the eCrafts Collectives about the Noisy Crochet Workshop at SUPERMARKT:

Noisy crochet workshop / Berlin 2013 from eCrafts Collective on Vimeo.

Project partners:
Berlinerpool, Loomio, Disruption Network Lab, EduLabs, OuiShare, OSCE Berlin, WeChange, Open Culture Agency, Booksprints, Welance, Wigwam, Public Art Lab, Open Knowledge Foundation und viele andere!

Some impressions from 7 years of DIY masterclasses:



Public Art Lab
Kristian Kißling
eCrafts Collective
European Freelance Rights Movement
Melanie Seifart
Andrzej Raszyk
Christophe Guené
Berliner Gazette
Katharina Kosak
Gabriele Schlipf
Gretchen Blegen
Sebastian Olma
Yulia Kryazheva
Karla Montasser

und andere



Ela Kagel


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