Coffee, Curating & Cultural Management

Are you are Berlin-based curator, arts manager, or cultural producer? Are you involved with creative projects in Berlin on a freelance or project basis? Do you want to be? Contemporary Art Exchange and Supermarkt invite you to a relaxed drop

Shortcutz Berlin Awards

The Shortcutz Berlin Awards recognize the best shorts in 11 film-related categories that will be awarded different prizes - plus the "Winner of the Year", chosen among all the "Winners of the Month" of 2014. After 31 weeks of screenings

ohne Eintritt

Mompreneurs March Meetup

A Mompreneur is a female business owner who is actively balancing the role of mom and the role of entrepreneur. Anyone who owns a business, wants to own one, is working on a creative venture, or wants to be around


AG DOK Akademie Berlin: crowdfunding for documentary films

Social media experts Wolfgang Gumpelmaier and Karsten Wenzlaff (ikosom Berlin) and documentary filmmaker Dietmar Post explain in a hands-on seminar how to build a crowdfunding campaign for documentaries. They illustrate which topics are suitable for crowdfunded films and talk about

€80 – €150

Coffee, Curating & Cultural Management

Are you are Berlin-based curator, arts manager, or cultural producer? Are you involved with creative projects in Berlin on a freelance or project basis? Do you want to be? Contemporary Art Exchange and Supermarkt invite you to a relaxed drop

Free, but donations welcome


Dear co-procrastinators, let's get ready for Easter holidays! Now it's really about time to clear your to-do-lists and get rid of all the little things you already planned to do a long time ago. We invite all our colleagues, friends

Projektbar #4-15: Digitale Kulturplattformen

The upcoming projectbar of the Wedding-Moabit cultural network will present a variety of digital cultural plattforms based in Berlin. This will be a great opportunity to get in touch with local producers and exchange experiences and ideas. Following projects will

MomPreneurs April Meetup

Mompreneurs sind Mutter und Unternehmerin. Zusammengesetzt steht es für die vielen, vielen Frauen, die sich selbstständig machen, um das richtige Gleichgewicht zwischen Selbstverwirklichung und Familienleben zu finden. Die Mompreneurs Meetup Gruppe ist offen für alle Mütter, die selbständig sind, sich


Talk & Play #12

Talk & Play is a bi-monthly event whose goal is to give a better idea of what it’s like to create and play games today, providing the opportunity to local independent game makers to showcase their work in a friendly


Coffee, Curating & Cultural Management

Are you are Berlin-based curator, arts manager, or cultural producer? Are you involved with creative projects in Berlin on a freelance or project basis? Do you want to be? Contemporary Art Exchange and Supermarkt invite you to a relaxed drop

Consulting for entrepreneurs

Creative Service Centre offers individual consulting in order to professionalize your activities in the creative sector. Business experts will look at your projects, business & marketing strategies and give hands-on advices for the Berlin market. No appointment required, just drop


Projektbar #5-15: Freie Projekträume

Die nächste Projektbar #5-15 des Kulturnetzwerks Wedding-Moabit findet am Montag, den 4. Mai 2015 von 18 bis 21 Uhr im SUPERMARKT statt. An diesem Abend geht es um "Freie Projekträume im Wedding und in Moabit". Es werden sich freie Ausstellungsorte

Die Zukunft des Diesterweg-Gebäudes

Das ehemalige Schulgebäude des Diesterweg-Gymnasiums in der Putbusser Straße steht nun seit 4 Jahren leer. Während Zahn der Zeit und Vandalismus am Gebäude nagen, fehlen im Brunnenviertel zentrale Orte der Begegnung für Soziales, Kulturelles, Sport und die Bildung. Die angeschlossene

MomPreneurs Mai Meetup

Mompreneurs sind Mutter und Unternehmerin. Zusammengesetzt steht es für die vielen, vielen Frauen, die sich selbstständig machen, um das richtige Gleichgewicht zwischen Selbstverwirklichung und Familienleben zu finden. Die Mompreneurs Meetup Gruppe ist offen für alle Mütter, die selbständig sind, sich

Decoding Berlin

Decoding Berlin is a week of discovering the many Berlin art scenes and will take place 25-30 May, 2015, through an intensive series of talks and walks through the city. This new program is initiated and organised by Nika Radić,

Coffee, Curating & Cultural Management

Are you are Berlin-based curator, arts manager, or cultural producer? Are you involved with creative projects in Berlin on a freelance or project basis? Do you want to be? Contemporary Art Exchange and Supermarkt invite you to a relaxed drop

openTransfer CAMP – Demografie

Wie kommen soziale Innovationen in die Fläche? Projektmacher, Ideengeber, Querdenker und soziale Innovatoren treffen sich am 29. Mai 2015 in Berlin, um sich beim openTransfer CAMP über das Thema Demografie auszutauschen. Unter dem Motto „Gutes einfach verbreiten“ wird diskutiert, welche

Talk & Play #13

Talk & Play is a bi-monthly event whose goal is to give a better idea of what it’s like to create and play games today, providing the opportunity to local independent game makers to showcase their work in a friendly

Grand Farewell Party

As we slowly head towards the final days of our old Supermarkt, we want to invite you to our closing party on June 25th! We’ll host a goodbye-ceremony in style: with cool drinks, lovely people , live sounds & visuals