
We are taking a summer break in August. We wish you lots of sun, a fresh breeze and see you back in September!

Open Space with Tiberius Brastaviceanu, co-founder of Sensorica

Let's get together!  Tiberius Brastaviceanu, co-founder of Sensorica is in town and we invite you all for some collective thinking!  Sensorica is an open, decentralized and self-organizing value network, focusing on sensing and sensemaking technology. We'd like to call all

Open Enspiral: Working in a Participatory Organization

Enspiral Labs is running workshops across Europe to give people context, tools and an experience in open participatory systems, based on our lived experience of working in a non-hierarchical network of startups. Enspiral is a bold experiment in participation by design. We

Arts & Commons #2: Community Value

Two days workshop on money cultures, community currencies and the role of blockchain technologies for creative production & distribution. Presentations, hands-on exercises, inspiring showcases and a currency lab-game on Friday night are waiting for you. THIS EVENT IS ALREADY FULLY

Un-learning networked collaboration?

From socialized learning experiences to co-creation - collaboration is a profound part of our human experience. Today, workers are tied together by digital networks which enable new forms of collaboration. However the myopic focus in recent years on collaborating over

CZY WRK Meeting

Freelancers are currently setting up a digital cooperative here in Berlin. Interested? Then join the open meetup on October 20th. More info here.


Commons in Practice

Commons in Practice A public conversation and a workshop on the city as a commons What is an urban commons in practice? Should we understand the city in itself as a commons? Do commons oriented economies represent feasible alternatives to

MapLab #1: The Map as a Commons

How can we use mapping as a community resource and process?  The first laboratory on collaborative mapping will be dedicated to a survey on available projects, software and digital infrastructures. We will select and set up a suitable platform to


StoryLab #1: Collective Narrations

Storytelling is an intimate practice, but stories can connect and consolidate communities. How can we use storytelling to create collective narrations, investigate transient subjectivities and understand the reality of transforming places? These are the questions we will discuss during the


Platform Coops – Start your own! Day 1 Programme

This event aims at gathering key players of the platform cooperativism movement to explore shared values, common goals and a joint political agenda. Over the course of two days, participants get introduced into cooperative structures – from learning how to

Platform Coops – Start your own!

Cooperative businesses, democratic ownership and self-organization - a two-days conference at SUPERMARKT (day 1) and AGORA (day 2) Friday, Dec 9th at SUPERMARKT, Mehringplatz 9, 10969 Berlin - 9.30am - 6pm. FAIRO community currency launch at 7.30pm-until late Saturday, Dec

Platform Coops – Start your own! Day 2 Programme

This event aims at gathering key players of the platform cooperativism movement to explore shared values, common goals and a joint political agenda. Over the course of two days, participants get introduced into cooperative structures – from learning how to

URLab #2 – Platform City

The second Mehringplatz Urban Reconnaissance Laboratory takes place in the framework of the Platform Coops event. We will employ two exercises, “Market City” and “CyberCity”, to investigate the effects of ICT and social media on urban economies and how digitally


Democratize Money – The International Money Reform

In January, we welcome Lino Zeddies, an economist and board member of Monetative, which is a German group campaigning for monetary reform. He is an activist for for various projects pioneering a different society. His focuses include economics - especially

MapLab #2: Mapping Actors and Economies

How can we map the multiplicity of stakeholders and forces shaping a neighbourhood? How can we understand the different factors shaping local economies? How can we capture and visualize non-specifically located forces that influence a territory? Saturday, January 14, 2-7pm.

StoryLab #2: Place Narratives

How can we use storytelling to understand transforming places? What tools and techniques can be can be employed to assess the complex, multilayered reality of a neighbourhood? How can we capture the genius loci through media? Saturday, January 21, 2-7pm.

Activating Local Knowledge

The third public conversation of the Switch On Mehringplatz program involves the activists of Prinzessinnengarten to discuss the capacity of bottom-up voluntary projects to foster urban transformation. What skills and competences are formed and shared in spontaneous citizens’ initiatives? How

URLab #3 – Spontaneous City

The third Urban reconnaissance Lab will be dedicatd to the exploration of the Spontaneous City, focusing on those everyday life practices that challenge rules and normative powers. We will look for all those manifestations that appear contingent, unplanned and exist

Platform Coops – Gründungsformen für Kreative

Platform Coops sind neue Formen von digitalen Genossenschaften, die alle Mitglieder zu Teilhabenden und Gestaltenden der gemeinsamen Arbeit macht. Die „Steuerzentrale“ eines solches Verbundes ist eine digitale Plattform, über die nicht nur Transaktionen und Kommunikationen laufen, sondern auch gemeinsame Entscheidungen