Workshop: ‘Occupy the Screen’ von Paul Sermon & Charlotte Gould

As pioneers of telepresence Paul Sermon and Charlotte Gould connect with the installation 'Occupy the Screen' people between Riga and Berlin in a 3rd digital space: the window. What technologies are used for telematic encounters, which forms of interaction develop?


During the the symposium of ‘Connecting Cities: Urban Reflections’ a group of international speakers will explore the possibilities of local community building through networked media art in the ‘Brunnen’ neighborhood. Programm: LIVE STREAMING Freitag, 12 September 2014 15.30 - 17.30

Connecting Cities: Stadtpicknick

What is a festival without an opening Dinner? Public Art Lab invites you all to the 'Urban Dinner' in Brunnenstraße. A big table will be set outside of SUPERMARK waiting for you! Bring your own meal, snacks and drinks, present

Kick-off Maptime Berlin: Intro to Web Maps and Mappers

This is our first Maptime Berlin meetup! Come and meet other map enthusiasts in Berlin and share ideas about how we can learn mapmaking together. New to web maps? At the first Maptime Berlin, we'll talk about the basic components

Social Media Week Berlin

We are happy to host Social Media Week from September 22-26.  Please find more info and programme here:

Designing Collaborative Space

After having converted an abandoned supermarktet into a coworking space and conference & workshop venue we started off with an intensely curated program based on digital culture and open source technologies. Ever since that, we have gradually witnessed a shift


It's Freitagsfrühstück time again! We invite everyone from our community to enjoy some morning coffee and exchange over the latest news: What are you currently working on? Which projects and ideas keep you busy? What's the challenge or the great


Taking Care of Business

An interactive seminar on funding and business development possibilities for Berlin based creatives. Are you a creative worker based in Berlin? Do you want to know more about who can give you funding and funding advice? Do you want to



Eat together and support small projects! Personally motivated or district beneficial community project ideas can be submitted to the contest »Super Suppe«! On October, 12, there will be soup for 3€, cooked by residents with different cultural backgrounds. All the participants will

€3 – €10

Maptime Berlin — Geovisualization with CartoDB

Everybody is speaking about open data, about making data publicly available. But those huge amounts of data are of no use to us if we are not able to translate them into understandable formats. Visualizations of data can help us

Create Your UnConference with Open Space

You've attended an UnConference, BarCamp or other Open Space self-organising event, and would love to bring it to your own business or community. Can it really be as simple as it looks? The answer is both Yes and No! Yes:


#easydataclip Workshop- Using Instagram to share data stories.

What if we told a relevant data story to every person who followed us online? In this 4 hour analog visualization workshop you are going to explore the possibilities behind data representation through a 15 seconds instagram video. Here you


Rethinking Capitalist CRISIS

We are living through a crisis of great severity, yet we lack a critical theory that could adequately clarify it. Certainly, today’s crisis is multi-dimensional, encompassing not only the official economy, including finance, but also such apparently ‘non-economic’ phenomena as

Graphic Recording Slow Politics | DIY-Masterclass

Berliner Gazette is hosting a free workshop together with Pfefferwerk AG and SUPERMARKT, where professional graphic designers are teaching prospects the handwork of visual live recording – knowledge can be applied effectively at the international conference 'Slow Politics'. The illustrators Katharina Kosak


Mentoringkompetenzen für Frauen, die mehr als selbständig sein wollen

This Workshop about mentoring, organized by Pfefferwerk Aktiengesellschaft, is aimed specifically at women in the creative industries- but of course everybody is more than welome to join! The workshop will take place in german. For more information, please visit our german


Woodland Recordings Night

An evening of problem folk, trouble, rebel songs and noise from the Woodland Recordings DIY label. Join us! Artists Bio (DE): VINCENT VON FLIEGER (DE) Die Lieder von VINCENT VON FLIEGER sind voll von verstimmten Melodien und geisterhaften Harmonien. Es


Robin Hood Berlin Office

Robin Hood opens a temporary office in Berlin from 10-13.11.2014 where you are welcome to participate in our work on rethinking financial services and means of finance. We call it an office, a temporary office, where we work like one


What Europe needs in the age of crisis // SLOW POLITICS | International Conference

SLOW POLITICS | International Conference: All of the crises haunting Europe today – be it “Lampedusa” or “NSA-Gate” – indicate one major problem: our governments' democratic instruments are paralyzed by perpetual turbulence and hence unable to deal properly with the ensuing grievances.
