Latest Past Events

DisCOmposting: Radical Care Economix for Rotten Systems

Cooperatively hosted by Irene Lopez de Valejo, Sara Esribano (DisCO Coop) and Ela Kagel (SUPERMARKT): We would like to invite you to a day of reflective harvest . We will sail through the cycles of collective regeneration that self-organised groups

Platform Coops – Build Your Own!

DE// In diesem Workshop geht es um die entscheidenden Schritte bei der Gründung einer Platform Coop. Dieser Workshop findet auf Englisch statt. Wer organisiert den Workshop? Das Gründungsteam der Platform Cooperatives Germany eG bietet den Workshop an. Andreas Arnold, Claudia


#TheNewCommonSense. Forging the Cooperative Digital Economy

Humboldt University

At a time of far-reaching economic uncertainty, transformations that previously seemed unthinkable are becoming common sense. Now is the time to explore how cooperative principles help to build democratic digital startups. At #TheNewCommonSense, we will take stock of new platform