Latest Past Events

Game-Changer: The Game

Panke Gallery Gerichtstr. 23, Hof 5 13347 Berlin, 13347 Berlin

Join Game-Changers Board Game Play & Participatory Theatre! Date: September 28th (Thursday) Time: 19:00-22:00 Location:, Gerichtstr. 23, Hof 5 13347 Berlin Introduction: Get ready for an evening of excitement and engagement! Introducing Game-Changers: The Game, a public storytelling board

Transition Design: Cooperativist Futures for Organizations

This online workshop focuses on the transition from legacy institutions towards a cooperative or commons-oriented organization. In this workshop Rashid Owoyele will propose a design method to help organizations to build a commons-based economy-oriented design culture around their projects and

Platform Coops – Build Your Own!

DE// In diesem Workshop geht es um die entscheidenden Schritte bei der Gründung einer Platform Coop. Dieser Workshop findet auf Englisch statt. Wer organisiert den Workshop? Das Gründungsteam der Platform Cooperatives Germany eG bietet den Workshop an. Andreas Arnold, Claudia
