On Thursday, April 9th, 2020, we have hosted the third edition of our online series on platform coops: “Funding Strategies for the Cooperative Digital Economy”. Thanks to Karim Chabrak for presenting Coinsence as a great example for a P2P funding
Internship Culture in Berlin
By Katja Avant-Hard [Berlin Internship Justice] When startups are trying to reach the moon whilst paying their interns €300 per month, it is clear – their business model is wrong. They are fooling you by saying “you will have a great
A (self) critique on the WORKAROUND Conference
By WORKAROUND co-curator Kate Martin [Contemporary Art Exchange]. There is definitely something changing about the way people think and talk about work today. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, a new awareness of how unbalanced, unfair and unjust
Orchideenfach und Pilzbefall
Ein Blogpost über “Von WikiLeaks zu SnowdenGate” von Gregor Sedlag. Mit den andauernden Snowden-Enthüllungen um den NSA-Komplex erlebt die kritische Öffentlichkeit in der westlichen Welt einen vergleichbar schaurigen Moment der Vermessung eines gewaltigen Parasiten wie einst Forscher im Malheur National
Thank you to all who attended our three-day WORKAROUND event! During this special symposium, workshop and community meeting, we delved into the various models of work organisation and community approaches that ensure life and work quality. For our WORKAROUND Freitagsfrühstück
The Wedding Dress festival & the Brunnenviertel
Each year housing company degewo organizes Wedding Dress – Festival for Urban Fashion and Lifestyle – in the Brunnenviertel. This podcast investigates the strategy and goal in organizing this festival: does it help stimulating the creative atmosphere of the Brunnenviertel
Wir müssen gemeinsam denken
Nachfolgend findet Ihr ein Interview von Creative City Berlin mit Ela Kagel vom SUPERMARKT, Andrzej Raszyk vom mobilen Künstler-Archive und – Netzwerk berlinerpool und Eberhard Elfert vom Wedding-Markt. Das Interview führte Jens Thomas von Creative City Berlin. Wir zitieren den