Text by Ela Kagel, commissioned and published by Berliner Gazette, in May 2023 If every economic activity has an ecological footprint, then it is obvious that we, as workers in a capitalist economy, have a significant share in climate production
A (self) critique on the WORKAROUND Conference
By WORKAROUND co-curator Kate Martin [Contemporary Art Exchange]. There is definitely something changing about the way people think and talk about work today. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, a new awareness of how unbalanced, unfair and unjust
Thank you to all who attended our three-day WORKAROUND event! During this special symposium, workshop and community meeting, we delved into the various models of work organisation and community approaches that ensure life and work quality. For our WORKAROUND Freitagsfrühstück
By Jurriaan Pots In preparation of the WORKAROUND event I thought it would be nice to analyse some of the issues that the conference deals with in a blogpost. Rather than going into all the individual ideas and initiatives that will
Serendipity and why it matters
On Wednesday, June 26th we hosted a Serendipity Lab. Jurriaan Pots, our colleague from Amsterdam, has written this personal account on the topic of Serendipity and why it matters to us at SUPERMARKT. The text is divided into two parts:
The Wedding Dress festival & the Brunnenviertel
Each year housing company degewo organizes Wedding Dress – Festival for Urban Fashion and Lifestyle – in the Brunnenviertel. This podcast investigates the strategy and goal in organizing this festival: does it help stimulating the creative atmosphere of the Brunnenviertel
UFO vs Integrationsmodell
Der SUPERMARKT wird nun mit jedem Tag mehr zu einem Ort der Kommunikation und des Austauschs. Es kommen Leute aus ganz Berlin, teils speziell für die Veranstaltungen, teils aus Neugier. So langsam tut sich ja einiges um uns herum: immer