Summer break

Apart from moving location we'll use the summer for a creative break. During July and August we'll take the time to redesign SUPERMARKT as a plattform and to plan the coming year.

ShareFair 2015 – Nutzen statt Besitzen

Am 22. November findet die ShareFair 2015 ganztägig in der Berliner Forum Factory statt – im Rahmen der EUROPÄISCHEN WOCHE DER ABFALLVERMEIDUNG (, mit dem diesjährigen Schwerpunktthema NUTZEN STATT BESITZEN. Am Sonntag, den 22. November bieten wir ein spannendes Programm


Salongespräch in der Bauhütte Südliche Friedrichstadt

Der Mehringplatz in Transformation - ein Salongespräch mit Ela Kagel (Supermarkt Berlin), Karin Aleman-Lücker (Die Globale e.V.), Nele Kapritz (Impact Hub) und Margit Sichrovsky (Neighbourhood Works).


Keep calm, unwind and break for x-mas

Vom 22. Dezember 2015 bis zum 04.01. bleibt der SUPERMARKT geschlossen. Wir wünschen Euch ein paar schöne, warme, besinnliche und inspirierende Festtage. Kommt gut ins neue Jahr und bis bald!

Collaborative Economy Meetup Berlin

We invite local stakeholders of the Collaborative Economy to get together at SUPERMARKT and think about synergies and common plans for 2016. Above all, we want to focus on the question of how to strengthen the local community and provide

3 Std. Hands-On Social Media Workshop mit Kathrin Franck

Ein MOMPRENEURS-Workshop: Du lernst direkt am Beispiel deines eigenen Business, wie du mit einem Plan und guter Struktur wesentlich mehr erreichst: Mehr potentielle Kunden, mehr begeisterte Unterstützer und mehr Geschäft. Nach dem Workshop weißt du: Wie du mit 80% weniger


Common Ground Opening Event

"In der Welt zusammenleben heißt wesentlich, dass eine Welt von Dingen zwischen denen liegt, deren gemeinsamer Wohnort sie ist, und zwar in dem gleichen Sinne, in dem etwa ein Tisch zwischen denen steht, die um ihn herum sitzen." Diesese Zitat

Plattform-Kooperativismus / mit Michel Bauwens

Konvergenz & Kollaborative Konsum- und Produktionsformen Mit: Michel Bauwens  (Commons Strategies Group und Foundation for P2P Alternatives, Chiang Mai, Thailand) Thomas Dönnebrink ( Connector für Berlin und Deutschland) Sprache: Englisch Eine Kooperation der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung mit Berlin und SUPERMARKT. Information:       

TACIT FUTURES: Japan after Japan – film screening & discussion

"TACIT FUTURES: Japan after Japan" presents "Tell the Prime Minister" by Eiji Oguma as a starting point for discussions about common futures and the future as commons. It is a documentary film about post-Fukushima social movements in Japan. It shows


Open House at the new SUPERMARKT

SUPERMARKT has found a new home! We want to celebrate the beginning of a new era with old and new friends! Come join us and enjoy drinks, nice people, music, a review of our work in the past 5 years


PlatformCoop Berlin #2: Avoiding the Venture Capital Trap

Platform Cooperativism in practice: Fairmondo - Crowdfunding to avoid the venture capital trap Fairmondo, the online-marketplace owned by its users, invites to an open discussion on making platform cooperativism happen. The event will focus on the challange of independent financing

The Message

A book and film presentation with an artist talk between Nika Radić and Tevž Logar Nika Radić worked on the project “The Message” for several years, examining how communication through art can work. She built an installation together with almost

Platform Cooperativism meetup with Trebor Scholz

Six months have passed since the movement started at the Platformcoop Conference in NYC. The meetup on June 5th provides a good occasion for a first assessment: especially given that Trebor Scholz - co-organizer of the conference and who coined

Release early, release often – Prototyping & Community Building

This German-speaking workshop in cooperation with Creative Service Center WeTek gGmbH is focussing on the art of creative prototyping. Instead of waiting until your creative work has reached a "final" stage, this workshop encourages you to release early prototypes of

Siehe Anmeldeformular

Kunst, Geld & Selbstorganisation im digitalen Kapitalismus

Welcome to the era of Digital Capitalism! The production of goods is no longer a priority. Instead, digital information is becoming the prime asset of today's economy. Networked platforms have replaced the factories of the industrial age. Traditional standards of


Platformcoop #4 – Get Decentralized!

Coders, hackers and scientists get together to explore the future agenda of decentralized concepts and technologies. Since the notion of decentralized networks (as opposed to centralized platforms) was lively discussed during the first #platformcoop-Meeting in March, we are happy to


We are taking a summer break in August. We wish you lots of sun, a fresh breeze and see you back in September!

Open Space with Tiberius Brastaviceanu, co-founder of Sensorica

Let's get together!  Tiberius Brastaviceanu, co-founder of Sensorica is in town and we invite you all for some collective thinking!  Sensorica is an open, decentralized and self-organizing value network, focusing on sensing and sensemaking technology. We'd like to call all