Internet For Future! Workshop des Bildungswerks der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Das Bildungswerk der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftrung lädt alle zu diesem Workshop ein, die 1) an kooperativem Wirtschaften interessiert sind 2) klima-neutraler im Alltag handeln möchten 3) sich mit politischen Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Digital-Infrastruktur einsetzen wollen und 4) das Internet als gesellschaftlichen

Coops & DAOs / Platform Coops Community Call

Login: Time: 1-2 pm CET Language: English We look forward to welcoming you to the next edition of our monthly series of Platform Coops community calls! Join us and meet co-opreneurs, researchers, finance activists, organization designers, DAO experts and

Platform Coops – Build Your Own!

DE// In diesem Workshop geht es um die entscheidenden Schritte bei der Gründung einer Platform Coop. Dieser Workshop findet auf Englisch statt. Wer organisiert den Workshop? Das Gründungsteam der Platform Cooperatives Germany eG bietet den Workshop an. Andreas Arnold, Claudia


MoneyLab NFT prize award event

Empowerment or Trap? Jackpot or pocket money? You be the judge. Time to auction off our criticality. In a single year, NFTs have gone from obscurity to superstardom. Are NFTs, DeFi and gamified decentralized apps the new way for the

Transition Design: Cooperativist Futures for Organizations

Online workshop for people who are interested in organizational design, commons-based economies and cooperativism. The workshop is free of charge. Seats are limited, so booking is essential! Register your spot here: Hosted by Rashid Owoyele and Ela Kagel Summary 

GameChanger – a project by CCPA and SUPERMARKT

GameChanger is a research and mediation project extending from March 2022 till February 2023. The project is funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds (HKF) and is curated by Yael Sherill - Curatorial Collective for Public Art (CCPA) and Ela Kagel - SUPERMARKT. Project

After Extractivism – Workshops of the Berliner Gazette Annual Conference

Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte Greifswalder Straße 4, 10405 Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

The Berliner Gazette (BG) 2022 project AFTER EXTRACTIVISM launches its intervention at a critical juncture: Economic and ecological crises are increasingly devastatingly intertwined and fuel each other – an ecological-economic complex (or rather: vicious circle) that produces pandemics, extreme weather

Transition Design: Cooperativist Futures for Organizations

This online workshop focuses on the transition from legacy institutions towards a cooperative or commons-oriented organization. In this workshop Rashid Owoyele will propose a design method to help organizations to build a commons-based economy-oriented design culture around their projects and

Dancing on Moss: DisCO’s Underground Regeneration Economix

Moos Moosdorferstr 7–9, 12435 Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

#practicescomposting #lunarpunk #regeneration #resistance #activism #globalmycellium #DisCOharvest #DisCOnomix Solarpunk is to Lunarpunk as sun is to moon. Solarpunk is to Lunarpunk as day is to night. Solarpunk is to Lunarpunk as science and technology are to occult and spirituality. Solarpunk

DisCOmposting: Radical Care Economix for Rotten Systems

Cooperatively hosted by Irene Lopez de Valejo, Sara Esribano (DisCO Coop) and Ela Kagel (SUPERMARKT): We would like to invite you to a day of reflective harvest . We will sail through the cycles of collective regeneration that self-organised groups

Platform Cooperatives and Community Investment

🌐 Platform Co-operatives and Community Investments - Call Join us for an insightful exploration into the world of fundraising through cooperative membership! 🤝 In this 1,5 hours call, we will delve into possibilities of financing projects through collective efforts. Typically,

Game-Changer: The Game

Panke Gallery Gerichtstr. 23, Hof 5 13347 Berlin, 13347 Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

Join Game-Changers Board Game Play & Participatory Theatre! Date: September 28th (Thursday) Time: 19:00-22:00 Location:, Gerichtstr. 23, Hof 5 13347 Berlin Introduction: Get ready for an evening of excitement and engagement! Introducing Game-Changers: The Game, a public storytelling board

Die Rechte des Flusses als Ökosystem und juristische Person

Spreepark ArtSpace

Wer ist der Fluss? Wie könnten wir auf experimentelle, nonverbale, spielerische, sinnliche und interaktive Weise mit dem Fluss und seinen nicht-menschlichen Akteur:innen in Kontakt treten? Durch Recherchen, experimentelle Feldstudien mit eigenen Beobachtungsinstrumenten und in performativen Szenarien untersuchten Design-Studierende der FH