Maybe the most difficult thing to understand about cryptoeconomic systems is that they have the potential to cause an irreversible change in what we understand as ‘the economy’: making economy in itself a design space and allowing the re-evaluation of

Platform Coops Berlin: Das Kolyma2 Lieferkollektiv

Das nächste Platform Coop-Meetup im SUPERMARKT ist Kolyma 2 gewidmet, Teil des Pop-up Kollektivs Amras, das aus dem ehemaligen Lieferdienst Deliveroo hervorgegangen ist. Derzeit gründen einige der Fahrrad-Kuriere einen lokalen, selbstorganisierten Lieferdienst. Die Gruppe hat schon seit mehr als einem

Facilitate Change: 2019 Facilitators Potluck

Alle Teilnehmer*innen der FACILITATE CHANGE-Reihe sind herzlich eingeladen, mit uns am 12.12.2019 ab 18:30 im Supermarkt den Abschluss eines weiteren Jahres mit insgesamt sieben Facilitate Change Events zu feiern, kurz innezuhalten und gemeinsam ins neue Jahr zu blicken. Auch im

Token Engineering Meetup

Token Engineering is one of the most interesting challenges of our time. In our meetups we'll explore new cryptoeconomic building blocks, methods to formulate and validate cryptoeconomic systems and the role of a token engineer in blockchain projects. More infos

Platform Coops Now! Community Call , Deutschland

Login here: Calling coopreneurs, platform coop enthusiasts and activists for more equitable futures, especially those who already participate in the current Platform Coops Now! Online Course, organized by the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy (ICDE) and the Mondragon

MoneyLab Berlin – Disaster Capitalism

MoneyLab Berlin: March 26-28, 2021 Statement by Ela Kagel, SUPERMARKT Berlin MoneyLab #11: Disaster Capitalism This first edition of MoneyLab Berlin is inspired by Naomi Klein's book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism from 2007. Klein's work centers

Circles – Universal Basic Income on the Blockchain Assembly

We meet on the first Wednesday of every month IN PERSON. We talk about @CirclesUBI , #basicincome and find new ways to grow together as a community. We will have a small market with #locally grown delicious food and #products

Coops & DAOs / Platform Coops Community Call

Login: Time: 1-2 pm CET Language: English We look forward to welcoming you to the next edition of our monthly series of Platform Coops community calls! Join us and meet co-opreneurs, researchers, finance activists, organization designers, DAO experts and