On Thursday 3rd April the new Net.Specific exhibition will be launched at SUPERMARKT. This event will host an introduction by curator Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen, the FB Resistance Workshop by Tobias Leingruber, artist presentations by both Martine Neddam and Leingruber and
Unfolding Perspectives – Coming to Terms with Varied Forms of Documentation and Representation

The workshop Unfolding Perspectives: Creating and Documenting in Templates will take place at SUPERMARKT this Friday 28 February 2014 from 2-5pm, hosted by Gretchen Blegen and Jurriaan Pots. In this blogpost, Gretchen Blegen speaks of the inspirations behind the theme of
Global Open Knowledge Festival Meetups – a warm-up in 3 steps
Beatrice Martini, the Open Knowledge Foundation’s Event Coordinator, had organised an OKFestival Meetup at SUPERMARKT last November. Here’s her short summary of what has happened and what to expect from the Open Knowledge Festival 2014: Folks from the Open Knowledge Foundation,
Blame the Farmer, not the Internsheep
By Kate Martin In an extended version of her presentation given at WORKAROUND in October, Katja Petrova’s DIY Masterclass at SUPERMARKT last week raised many important issues and questions regarding the state of interning today both internationally and locally. Rather
Noisy Crochet Workshop with eCrafts Collective

Kati Hyyppä from the eCrafts Collective hosted a DIY Masterclass on September 20th at SUPERMARKT. The masterclass was called Sonic Exploration Into Electronic Textiles and about ten people participated in making crocheted sensors which could be used for altering sound. The workshop started with
Du musst die Kuh schon selber ficken

Selbstmarketing als Überlebensstrategie – Ein Gastbeitrag von Gregor Sedlag. Das Programm des SUPERMARKT Berlin bleibt in Sortimentsbreite und -tiefe konkurrenzlos. Er ist Ausstellungs, Konferenz-, Vortragsraum, Café und Coworkingspace. Und das SUPERMARKT-Team schlägt den Bogen zwischen der klassischen White-Cube-Galerienwelt und den
Study table: a curatorial experiment

From the last week of September SUPERMARKT is home to a study table with a regularily changing collection of books, magazines, articles and pictures. The first month this table will be filled with materials about coworkingspaces. Parellell to the table
Was uns wichtig ist

Dieser Blogeintrag ist unserer neuen Website und dem Spätsommer-und Herbstprogramm gewidmet. Und es kommen auch ein paar Team-Mitglieder des SUPERMARKT zu Wort! Wir freuen uns, dass wir es nach monatelanger Arbeit hinter den Kulissen endlich geschafft haben, unsere neue Website
About the Free Culture Incubator Finale – by Jodi Rose

The following text is fully quoted from Berlin-based artist Jodi Rose, our good friend and regular participant of the Free Culture Incubator events. We are most grateful for this wonderful documentation of our first event at the newly renovated SUPERMARKT.