Wer ist der Fluss? Wie könnten wir auf experimentelle, nonverbale, spielerische, sinnliche und interaktive Weise mit dem Fluss und seinen nicht-menschlichen Akteur:innen in Kontakt treten? Durch Recherchen, experimentelle Feldstudien mit eigenen Beobachtungsinstrumenten und in performativen Szenarien untersuchten Design-Studierende der FH
Omsk Social Club: Alienation and Charisma
Film Screening and Exhibition Opening On Wednesday, December 7th, Omsk Social Club presents “Alienation and Charisma”, a new short film based on a Real Game Play developed in the frame of their GameChanger residency. The film will be screened in
Demokratie, Kunst und Kapital – Podcast von Ela Kagel
Auf dem Gustaf-Gründgens-Platz vor dem Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus wurden im Rahmen des Projekts „Skulpturale Demokratie„, organisiert von der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf wegweisende radikaldemokratische Modelle, die auf Beuys‘ Idee der sozialen Plastik zurückgehen, erkundet und verglichen: Formen des ‚Wir’“ von Anfang Juni bis
Building Communities and Networks for Commons-Based Economies
A public learning journey and exchange between commons practitioners from Instituto Procomum / Santos, Brazil and SUPERMARKT in Berlin. SUPERMARKT Berlin and Instituto Procomum in Santos, São Paolo/ Brazil, have been doing extensive work in the field of the commons,
Platform Coops – Start your own! A summary
Some people are so poor – all they have is money! This quote was brought up by Christophe Guené, founder of the financial self-help platform Unite!, during his presentation. In many ways, this characterized the overall theme of the PLATFORM
Why we are so excited about COMMUNITY VALUE
We are happy to present our next workshop COMMUNITY VALUE on September 23-24. This upcoming event starts with an assessment of peer value, compensation of individual contributions, money and credit systems within collectives and community currencies at large. Matthew Slater,
Arts & Commons – documentation of our kick-off event
On July 2nd, we kicked off our first event of „Art, Money and Self Organization in Digital Capitalismus“, a series of events based on new financial technologies, peer to peer-economies, digital networking and their impact on artistic production. Together with
Kooperativismus, Teilhabe und Selbstorganisation
Durch Firmen wie AirBnB und Uber ist die Sharing Economy in Veruf geraten. Ist der digitale Traum vom nachhaltigen und gerechten Teilen deshalb ausgeträumt? Ein genossenschaftlich-solidarischer Ansatz, Kooperativismus genannt, zeigt, dass es auch anders geht. Die Kuratorin und Autorin Ela
Class of Love: Follow up
Love is, Love is not, I remember when… // by Kate Hollett If there is one thing clear from the Class of Love workshop held at Supermarkt, Berlin on April 14, it is that Berlin is an international collection of
Performing the Media launched at Supermarkt on April 3rd.
Performing the Media is the second exhibition in the framework of Net.Specific, which is the platform for internet art from the Museum of Contemporary Art in Roskilde (DK). This exhibition deals with how identity can be constructed in online space