After an inspiring local event in Berlin at the Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte (, the Berliner Gazette has launched the “After Extractivism” conference as an “asynchronous online event” and expansive resource site with video talks, projects, texts, and audios
Zur Situation von Berlins freien Projekträumen während Corona
Dieser Text wurde von Ela Kagel im Mai 2020 auf eine Einladung der Berliner Gazette hin geschrieben und wurde dort auch zuerst publiziert. Danke Magdalena Taube und Krystian Woznicki, dass Ihr Kulturschaffenden und freien ProduzentInnen in Berlin eine Stimme gebt!
Documentation of Funding Strategies for the Cooperative Digital Economy from April 9th, 2020
On Thursday, April 9th, 2020, we have hosted the third edition of our online series on platform coops: „Funding Strategies for the Cooperative Digital Economy“. Thanks to Karim Chabrak for presenting Coinsence as a great example for a P2P funding
DAO Learning Journey // Documentation of September 5th, 2019
Documentation of a DAO Learning Journey at SUPERMARKT Berlin Disclaimer: Ela Kagel & Andreas Arnold from SUPERMARKT Berlin have organized a DAO Learning Journey on September 5th. The aim of this event was to create a prototype for a DAO
Platform Coops Germany: Latest Update
What’s new at Platform Coops Germany: When Ela Kagel & Thomas Dönnebrink started off the #platformcoop meetups at SUPERMARKT three years ago, the initial group of participants was not only smaller, but also more consistent. Today, it turns out that
Building structured support for platform coops
During our previous Platformcoop Berlin-meetups we collaboratively established a Trello board in order to capture resources, links and action items that we found helpful for building structured support for platform coops. This board was introduced and set up by Alexandre
Internship Culture in Berlin
By Katja Avant-Hard [Berlin Internship Justice] When startups are trying to reach the moon whilst paying their interns €300 per month, it is clear – their business model is wrong. They are fooling you by saying “you will have a great
A (self) critique on the WORKAROUND Conference
By WORKAROUND co-curator Kate Martin [Contemporary Art Exchange]. There is definitely something changing about the way people think and talk about work today. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, a new awareness of how unbalanced, unfair and unjust
Thank you to all who attended our three-day WORKAROUND event! During this special symposium, workshop and community meeting, we delved into the various models of work organisation and community approaches that ensure life and work quality. For our WORKAROUND Freitagsfrühstück
By Jurriaan Pots In preparation of the WORKAROUND event I thought it would be nice to analyse some of the issues that the conference deals with in a blogpost. Rather than going into all the individual ideas and initiatives that will