During our previous Platformcoop Berlin-meetups we collaboratively established a Trello board in order to capture resources, links and action items that we found helpful for building structured support for platform coops. This board was introduced and set up by Alexandre Sourzac-Lami und Céline Viardot from Comit Berlin-Paris.
This collective online resource aims at supporting the ongoing groundwork within the Platform Coop Movement on the following subject:
„How to structure the support to coops in Berlin?“
The approach is the following :
- Identify and structure all the needs of the coops in Berlin by gathering their questions and classify them by subject
- Identify all sources of support, be it people, organisations, places, exchange platforms, written documents, etc.
- Structure the links between the needs and the source of support so as to setup a comprehensive support scheme
The first step, made on the 29.01.2018 at the Platform Coop Meeting, was to identify the questions coops have about their development.
A workshop on the 22.03.2018 allowed us to define a few first supports to provide answers. The workshop on May 24th with Nathan Schneider and Morshed Mannan brought us again one step further in mapping out resources for a growing platform coop ecosystem.
Check the Trello board here!