DGOV Council

The II DGOV Council is an invite only gathering of international pioneers from various disciplines. The event will take place in Berlin on the 24th to the 26th of January 2020. We invite once more to come together to explore

Money Talks #8: Platform Coop Funding Strategies

In this upcoming Money Talk we will investigate available funding sources for Platform Coops - in Europe and beyond. SUPERMARKT co-founder Ela Kagel will present the results of a research across different cultures and countries. *What is a platform coop?*

Facilitate Change #16: Book Sprints

In unserer 16. Ausgabe der Facilitate Change! - Reihe geht es um Book Sprints, eine Methode zum gemeinschaftlichen Verfassen von Büchern. Wichtig ist dabei nicht nur das Resultat am Ende, sondern vor allem auch der Weg zum Buch: Wie entwickelt

CANCELLED FOR NOW: Facilitate Change! Workshop 17: Circling

Circling ist eine soziale Technologie und Form der intersubjektiven Meditation, die uns einen echten, zwischenmenschliche Dialog ermöglicht. Zu diesem Event Wenn es darum geht, uns im Gespräch mit den herausfordernden und komplexen gesellschaftlichen Themen unserer Zeit auseinanderzusetzen, so entsteht oft

Workshop: Subvertising for Data Cities, by Disruption Network Lab

Supermarkt Mehringplatz 9, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

With StealThisPoster & Special Patrol Group, in collaboration with Kunstblock. Thursday September 3, 2020, 16:30-19:00 at Supermarkt Berlin, Mehringpl. 9, 10969 Berlin Cost: 8 Euros Language: English Registration: The number of participants is limited to 15. Booking is essential. Please


Online Series: Organization Design Masterclass

This masterclass deals with the multiple forms of organizing that we currently see emerging everywhere: platform coops, community trusts, purpose organizations, human rights networks or independent collectives working across borders and nation states: Digital organizations such as DAOs that help

Commons Economies Exchange part 1: Build your own DisCO!

SUPERMARKT Online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84190598410

A learning journey and exchange between Commons practitioners from Instituto Procomum / Santos, Brazil and SUPERMARKT in Berlin. Following the work of both organizations on Arts, Economics and Social Innovation the aim of this collaboration is to promote a series

Platform Coops – Build Your Own!

DE// In diesem Workshop geht es um die entscheidenden Schritte bei der Gründung einer Platform Coop. Dieser Workshop findet auf Englisch statt. Wer organisiert den Workshop? Das Gründungsteam der Platform Cooperatives Germany eG bietet den Workshop an. Andreas Arnold, Claudia


DisCOmposting: Radical Care Economix for Rotten Systems

Cooperatively hosted by Irene Lopez de Valejo, Sara Esribano (DisCO Coop) and Ela Kagel (SUPERMARKT): We would like to invite you to a day of reflective harvest . We will sail through the cycles of collective regeneration that self-organised groups