Cooperatively hosted by Irene Lopez de Valejo, Sara Esribano (DisCO Coop) and Ela Kagel (SUPERMARKT): We would like to invite you to a day of reflective harvest . We will sail through the cycles of collective regeneration that self-organised groups
Platform Coops Now! Community Call
Login here: Calling coopreneurs, platform coop enthusiasts and activists for more equitable futures, especially those who already participate in the current Platform Coops Now! Online Course, organized by the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy (ICDE) and the Mondragon
Platform Coop Online Series #4: Building a Cooperative Ecosystem
Weekly Community Call / Wöchentlicher Community Call German and English / Deutsch und Englisch *Login:* This week: Building a Cooperative Ecosystem Diese Woche: Ein Ökosystem aus Platform Coops bauen DE// Warum wir diese Online-Serie machen Während der aktuellen Corona-Pandemie
We have founded Platform Cooperatives Germany eG!
//EN On Nov, 26th, 2019 Platform Cooperatives Germany was established as a cooperative by Andreas Arnold, Claudia Henke, Thomas Dönnebrink, Ela Kagel, Magdalena Ziomek and Zsolt Szentirmai. The goal of the cooperative is to network platform coop projects all over