Money Talks #8: Platform Coop Funding Strategies

Money Talks #8: Platform Coop Funding Strategies

In this upcoming Money Talk we will investigate available funding sources for Platform Coops – in Europe and beyond. SUPERMARKT co-founder Ela Kagel will present the results of a research across different countries. *What is a platform coop?*
 Platform cooperatives

DEBT: The first 5000 years – reading group

DEBT: The first 5000 years – reading group

Link to the online version of the book (english): (German): CONTENTS 1 On The Experience of Moral Confusion 2 The Myth of Barter 3 Primordial Debts 4 Cruelty and Redemption 5 A Brief Treatise on the Moral Grounds

Platform Coop Community Hangouts

Platform Coop Community Hangouts

Join us for open invitation community calls of, by and for the Platform Co-op community! Organized by the Platform Cooperativism Consortium. Register for this live talk here!

Crashkurs Geldsystem: Funktionsweise, Probleme und Lösungen

Crashkurs Geldsystem: Funktionsweise, Probleme und Lösungen

Vom Krisenmotor zur nachhaltig-gerechten Geldordnung Was wäre, wenn das Geld- und Finanzsystem den Menschen dienen würde und nicht mehr umgekehrt? Spätestens die letzte große Finanzkrise hat verdeutlicht, dass die Zustände im Geldsystem und Finanzsektor mit „grotesk“ noch wohlwollend umschrieben sind.

Money Talk #2: Token Economy – The Future of Currencies?

Money Talk #2: Token Economy – The Future of Currencies?

Shermin Voshmgir, director of the Research Institute for Crypto Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and founder of BlockchainHub, will share her thoughts on the token economy and the roles and functions of money. There is a widespread misconception

Money Talk #2: Token Economy – The Future of Currencies?

Money Talk #2: Token Economy – The Future of Currencies?

Shermin Voshmgir, director of the Research Institute for Crypto Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and founder of BlockchainHub, will share her thoughts on the token economy and the roles and functions of money. There is a widespread misconception