Transition Design: Cooperativist Futures for Organizations

Transition Design: Cooperativist Futures for Organizations

Online workshop for people who are interested in organizational design, commons-based economies and cooperativism. The workshop is free of charge. Seats are limited, so booking is essential! Register your spot here: Hosted by Rashid Owoyele and Ela Kagel Summary 

Workshop: Wie gründe ich eine Platform Coop?

Workshop: Wie gründe ich eine Platform Coop?

In diesem Workshop geht es um die entscheidenden Schritte bei der Gründung einer Platform Coop. Hier geht es zu den Tickets! Wer organisiert den Workshop? Das Gründungsteam der Platform Cooperatives Germany eG, das gleichzeitig auch aus den Initiator*innen des Platform

Platform Coops Berlin: Case Clinics

Platform Coops Berlin: Case Clinics

For this next edition of our Platform Coop event series we invite those among you who are currently on the verge of either founding a platform coop or already operating one to share your experiences and tap on the collective