Die Rechte des Flusses als Ökosystem und juristische Person

Die Rechte des Flusses als Ökosystem und juristische Person

Wer ist der Fluss? Wie könnten wir auf experimentelle, nonverbale, spielerische, sinnliche und interaktive Weise mit dem Fluss und seinen nicht-menschlichen Akteur:innen in Kontakt treten? Durch Recherchen, experimentelle Feldstudien mit eigenen Beobachtungsinstrumenten und in performativen Szenarien untersuchten Design-Studierende der FH

Game-Changer: The Game

Game-Changer: The Game

Join Game-Changers Board Game Play & Participatory Theatre! Date: September 28th (Thursday) Time: 19:00-22:00 Location: panke.gallery, Gerichtstr. 23, Hof 5 13347 Berlin Introduction: Get ready for an evening of excitement and engagement! Introducing Game-Changers: The Game, a public storytelling board

Transition Design: Cooperativist Futures for Organizations

Transition Design: Cooperativist Futures for Organizations

Online workshop for people who are interested in organizational design, commons-based economies and cooperativism. The workshop is free of charge. Seats are limited, so booking is essential! Register your spot here: rsvp@supermarkt-berlin.net Hosted by Rashid Owoyele and Ela Kagel Summary 

Commons Economies Exchange part 1: Build your own DisCO!

Commons Economies Exchange part 1: Build your own DisCO!

A learning journey and exchange between Commons practitioners from Instituto Procomum / Santos, Brazil and SUPERMARKT in Berlin. Following the work of both organizations on Arts, Economics and Social Innovation the aim of this collaboration is to promote a series

POSTPONED: Circles-Assembly!

POSTPONED: Circles-Assembly!

Dear all, due to technical issues with the underlying Circles architecture the assembly has to be postponed. Please read the statement of the Circles team here: Dear Circles community, We are currently facing several instabilities with our underlying architecture, some